- Paint - /peɪnt/ - pintar.
- Draw - /drɔː/ - dibujar.
- Carve - /kɑːv/ - tallar, esculpir.
- Knead - /niːd/ - amasar.
- Origami - /ɔːrɪˈɡɑːmi/ - papiroflexia.
- Crochet - /kroʊˈʃeɪ/ - hacer ganchillo.
- Make pottery - /meɪk ˈpɒtəri/ - alfarería.
- Weave - /wiːv/ - tejer.
- Embroider - /ɪmˈbrɔɪdər/ - bordar.
- Collect something - /kəˈlekt ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ - coleccionar algo.
- Collect bric-a-brac - /kəˈlekt ˌbrɪk ə bræk/ - coleccionar curiosidades.
- Act - /ækt/ - hacer teatro.
- Bowl - /boʊl/ - jugar a los bolos.
- Reading - /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leer.
- Photography - /fəˈtɑːɡrəfi/ - fotografía.
- Computer game - /kəmˈpjuːtər ɡeɪm/ - juegos de ordenador.
- Astronomy - /əˈstrɒnəmi/ - astronomía.
- Gardening - /ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ/ - jardinería.
- Cook - /kʊk/ - cocinar.
- Dance - /dæns/ - bailar.
- Ballet - /ˈbæleɪ/ - ballet.
- Sing - /sɪŋ/ - cantar.
- Listen to music - /ˈlɪsən tə ˈmjuːzɪk/ - escuchar música.
- Play the piano - /pleɪ ðə piˈænoʊ/ - tocar el piano.

ejercicio 1
The English Teacher Making Learning Accessible for All as a hobby.
Meet Manuel, the creator of the website www.ejerciciosinglesonline.com. Not only is he a dedicated English teacher, but he also has a passion for making English more accessible for all Spanish speakers around the world. Every day, he works hard to make his website more user-friendly for his students.
As a high school student, you may be struggling with learning English as a second language. But with Manuel's website, you can have access to free online exercises and lessons that are easy to understand and follow. Whether you need help with grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, Manuel has got you covered.
Manuel's love for teaching and his commitment to making English more accessible to all is truly admirable. His website is not only a valuable resource for students, but it is also a testament to his hard work and dedication.
So, if you're a high school student struggling with English, head over to www.ejerciciosinglesonline.com and see for yourself how Manuel is making the language more asequible and understandable for all Spanish speakers.
Read the text about Manuel and answer whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Manuel is a teacher of French.
2.Manuel's website provides free online exercises and lessons.
3. Manuel only focuses on helping Spanish speakers.
4. Manuel's website is not helpful for high school students.
- False. Manuel is an English teacher.
- True.
- True.
- False. Manuel's website is a valuable resource for high school students struggling with English.