
Listening 2 - Nivel intermedio - Will Sarah take my advice?

Descripción: Listening 2 - Nivel intermedio - Will Sarah take my advice? Escucha el siguiente audio y rellena los huecos. El ejercicio contiene auto-corrección automática.


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Sarah has always been an independent . She values her own judgment and doesn't easily rely on others for advice. So, when a close friend, Mark, finds himself in a tough situation and seeks her counsel, it sparks a dilemma for Sarah.

First of all, Sarah's approach to giving advice is . She carefully evaluates the situation, considers the pros and cons, and provides thoughtful suggestions. This is one of the reasons her friends often turn to her for guidance.

On the other hand, Mark is facing a personal and problem, which makes the situation more complex. It raises the question: Will Sarah's rational and logical advice align with Mark's emotional needs?

To begin with, Sarah's initial response is to offer Mark practical solutions and logical steps to address his issue. She emphasizes the importance of clear communication and setting achievable .

However, Mark seems to be seeking not only advice but also emotional support. He's dealing with a , and his primary need is to cope with the emotional pain. This brings up another dilemma: Should Sarah prioritize logical solutions over emotional support?

Furthermore, Sarah is aware that her friend values her rational thinking, so she fears that offering emotional support might be seen as a deviation from her usual advice-giving .

In contrast, Sarah knows that true friendship often involves adapting to the emotional needs of the moment, which can sometimes mean being empathetic and providing emotional .

In conclusion, Sarah is at a . Will she stick to her methodical advice-giving style, or will she adapt to meet Mark's emotional needs in this challenging time?