
Ficha de actividades 6 - Intermedio

Descripción: Ficha de actividades 6 - Nivel intermedio: El ejercicio consiste en un texto sobre la importancia de la energía renovable, seguido de una serie de preguntas para verificar la comprensión del mismo. Incluye preguntas de verdadero o falso, completar con palabras específicas, y completar oraciones con el tiempo verbal correcto y un adverbio. Además, proporciona un botón para comprobar las respuestas y otro para mostrar u ocultar las respuestas correctas. El objetivo es practicar la lectura y comprensión en inglés sobre temas ambientales.

The Power of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, are increasingly being used to meet the world's energy needs. These energy sources are sustainable and have a minimal impact on the environment compared to fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines, for instance, generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases.

The transition to renewable energy is crucial for reducing global carbon emissions and combating climate change. Governments and industries worldwide are investing in renewable technologies and infrastructure to ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Despite the benefits, challenges such as the initial cost of renewable energy installations and the need for technological advancements still exist. However, continued research and development, along with supportive policies, are helping to overcome these obstacles.

Decide if the following statements are True or False based on the text:

1. Renewable energy sources have a significant environmental impact compared to fossil fuels.
2. Solar panels and wind turbines emit greenhouse gases.
3. The transition to renewable energy is essential for reducing carbon emissions.
4. The initial cost of renewable energy installations is a challenge.
5. Governments and industries are not investing in renewable technologies.

Fill in the blanks with the following words:

"sustainable", "greenhouse gases", "infrastructure", "renewable", "challenges"

6. ________ energy sources are essential for a cleaner future.
7. Wind turbines do not emit ________.
8. Investing in renewable energy ________ is crucial for its adoption.
9. The transition to renewable energy is important for a ________ future.
10. One of the ________ of renewable energy is the initial cost.

Complete the following sentences with the correct verb tense and include an adverb:

11. Renewable energy sources _____ (become) increasingly popular over the past decade.
12. Scientists _____ (research) new ways to improve renewable energy technologies.
13. Solar panels _____ (install) on rooftops to generate clean energy.
14. There ______ (be) a significant increase in renewable energy projects recently.
15. _____ you seen (see) any renewable energy installations in your area?