Descripción: Adjetivos descriptivos en inglés. Te presentamos una guía de adjetivos descriptivos para que mejores tu nivel de inglés. La lista incluye los siguientes adjetivos: personalidad, apariencia física, bebida, comida, tiempo atmosférico, tiempo cronológico, materiales, distancias y dimensiones.


  1. Ambitious (æmˈbɪʃəs) - ambicioso
  2. Analytical (ænəˈlɪtɪkəl) - analítico
  3. Arrogant (ˈærəɡənt) - arrogante
  4. Articulate (ɑːrˈtɪkjʊlɪt) - articulado
  5. Assertive (əˈsɜːrtɪv) - asertivo
  6. Attention-seeking (əˈtenʃən siːkɪŋ) - que busca atención
  7. Authentic (ɔːˈθentɪk) - auténtico
  8. Bold (bəʊld) - audaz
  9. Brave (breɪv) - valiente
  10. Bright (braɪt) - brillante
  11. Candid (ˈkændɪd) - franco
  12. Charismatic (kəˈrɪzmətɪk) - carismático
  13. Cheerful (ˈtʃɪəful) - alegre
  14. Confident (ˈkɒnfɪdənt) - seguro de sí mismo
  15. Considerate (kənˈsɪdərɪt) - considerado
  16. Cooperative (kəʊˈɒpərətɪv) - cooperativo
  17. Courageous (ˈkɛrɪdʒəs) - valiente
  18. Creative (ˈkriːeɪtɪv) - creativo
  19. Curious (ˈfjʊəriəs) - furioso
  20. Decisive (dɪˈsaɪsɪv) - decisivo
  21. Deliberate (dɪˈlɪbərɪt) - deliberado
  22. Dependable (dɪˈpendəbl) - confiable
  23. Determined (dɪˈtɜːmɪnd) - determinado
  24. Diligent (ˈdɪlɪdʒənt) - diligente
  25. Diplomatic (dɪˈplɒmætɪk) - diplomático
  26. Driven (ˈdrɪvən) - motivado
  27. Dynamic (daɪˈnæmɪk) - dinámico
  28. Easy-going (ˈiːzɪ ˈɡəʊɪŋ) - fácil de tratar
  29. Emotional (ɪˈməʊʃənəl) - emocional
  30. Enthusiastic (ɪnˈθjuːziæstɪk) - entusiasta
  31. Expressive (ɪkˈspreʃɪv) - expresivo
  32. Extroverted (ɪkˈstrəʊvərtɪd) - extrovertido
  33. Fair (feər) - justo
  34. Fearless (ˈfɪələs) - valiente
  35. Flexible (ˈfleksəbl) - flexible
  36. Focused (ˈfəʊkəst) - concentrado
  37. Forgiving (fəˈɡɪvɪŋ) - perdonador
  38. Friendly (ˈfrendli) - amistoso
  39. Fun-loving (ˈfʌn ˈlʌvɪŋ) - amante de la diversión
  40. Generous (ˈdʒɛnərəs) - generoso
  41. Gregarious (ɡrɪˈɡɛəriəs) - gregario
  42. Hard-working (ˈhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ) - trabajador
  43. Hilarious (hɪˈleɪriəs) - divertido
  44. Humorous (ˈhjuːmərəs) - con sentido del humor
  45. Idealistic (aɪdiəˈlɪstɪk) - idealista
  46. Imaginative (ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv) - imaginativo
  47. Independent (ˌɪndɪˈpendənt) - independiente
  48. Ingenious (ɪnˈdʒiːniəs) - ingenioso
  49. Innovative (ɪˈnɒvətɪv) - innovador
  50. Intelligent (ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt) - inteligente
  51. Intuitive (ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv) - intuitivo
  52. Inventive (ɪnˈventɪv) - inventivo
  53. Kind (kaɪnd) - amable
  54. Leader (ˈliːdər) - líder
  55. Logical (ˈlɒdʒɪkəl) - lógico
  56. Loyal (ˈlɔɪəl) - leal
  57. Methodical (məˈθɒdɪkəl) - metódico
  58. Modest (ˈmɒdɪst) - modesto
  59. Outgoing (ˈaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ) - sociable
  60. Passionate (ˈpæʃənɪt) - apasionado
  61. Patient (ˈpeɪʃənt) - paciente
  62. Persistent (pərˈsɪstənt) - persistente
  63. Practical (ˈpræktɪkəl) - práctico
  64. Progressive (prəˈɡrɛsɪv) - progresista
  65. Protective (prəˈtektɪv) - protector
  66. Resourceful (rɪˈsɔːsfl) - astuto
  67. Respectful (rɪˈspektfl) - respetuoso
  68. Responsible (rɪˈspɒnsəbl) - responsable
  69. Sensible (ˈsensəbl) - sensato
  70. Sensitive (ˈsensɪtɪv) - sensible
  71. Sincere (sɪnˈsɪər) - sincero
  72. Skeptical (ˈskeptɪkəl) - escéptico
  73. Sociable (ˈsəʊʃəbl) - sociable
  74. Spontaneous (spɒnˈteɪniəs) - espontáneo
  75. Stable (ˈsteɪbl) - estable
  76. Strong-willed (ˈstrɒŋ ˈwɪld) - de voluntad fuerte
  77. Sympathetic (sɪmˈpæθɪtɪk) - compasivo
  78. Trustworthy (ˈtrʌstwɜːði) - digno de confianza
  79. Truthful (ˈtruːθfl) - veraz
  80. Understanding (ʌnˈdəstændɪŋ) - comprensivo
  81. Unique (juˈniːk) - único
  82. Unselfish (ʌnˈselfɪʃ) - desinteresado
  83. Versatile (ˈvɜːsətɪl) - versátil
  84. Vibrant (ˈvaɪbrənt) - vibrante
  85. Warm (wɔːrm) - cálido
  86. Wholesome (ˈhəʊlsəm) - saludable
  87. Witty (ˈwɪti) - ingenioso
  88. Work-oriented (ˈwɜːk ˈɔːriəntɪd) - orientado al trabajo
  89. Worry-free (ˈwʌri ˈfriː) - sin preocupaciones



  1. Beautiful [byu-tuh-ful] - Bello/a
  2. Blonde [blond] - Rubio/a
  3. Chubby [chuh-bee] - Regordete
  4. Curly [kuhr-lee] - Rizado/a
  5. Dark [dahrk] - Oscuro/a
  6. Delicate [dih-lah-kit] - Delicado/a
  7. Dense [dens] - Denso/a
  8. Fair [fehr] - Clara/o
  9. Fat [fat] - Gordo/a
  10. Fine [fahyn] - Fino/a
  11. Fluffy [fluh-fee] - Peludo/a
  12. Freckled [frek-uhld] - Con pecas
  13. Gangly [gang-lee] - Desgarbado/a
  14. Gaunt [gawnt] - Enjuto/a
  15. Gentle [jen-tuhl] - Suave
  16. Gloomy [gluh-mee] - Triste
  17. Good-looking [guod-luh-king] - Guapo/a
  18. Groomed [gruumd] - Bien arreglado/a
  19. Hairy [hehr-ee] - Peludo/a
  20. Handsome [han-suhm] - Guapo
  21. Healthy [hel-thee] - Sano/a
  22. Heavy [hev-ee] - Pesado/a
  23. High [hahy] - Alto/a
  24. Huge [hyooj] - Enorme
  25. Jagged [jag-id] - Irregular
  26. Lean [lehn] - Delgado/a
  27. Light [lahyt] - Ligero/a
  28. Little [lit-uhl] - Pequeño/a
  29. Long [long] - Largo/a
  30. Lovely [luv-lee] - Encantador/a
  31. Majestic [muh-jes-tik] - Majestuoso/a
  32. Muscular [muhs-kyuh-ler] - Musculoso/a
  33. Narrow [nar-oh] - Estrecho/a
  34. Petite [puh-teet] - Pequeño/a
  35. Plump [pluhmp] - Rollizo/a
  36. Pretty [prit-ee] - Bonito/a
  37. Radiant [ray-dee-uhnt] - Radiante
  38. Round [rownd] - Redondo/a
  39. Scrawny [skraw-nee] - Escuálido/a
  40. Short [shawrt] - Bajo/a
  41. Skinny [skin-ee] - Delgado/a
  42. Slender [slehn-der] - Delgado/a
  43. Small [small] - Pequeño/a
  44. Tall [tawl] - Alto/a
  45. Thin [thin] - Delgado/a
  46. Ugly [uhg-lee] - Feo/a
  47. Voluminous [vuh-loo-muh-nuhs] - Voluminoso/a
  48. Wavy [way-vee] - Ondulado/a
  49. Wide [wahyd] - Ancho/a
  50. Young [yuhng] - Joven



  1. Bitter [bit-er] - Amargo
  2. Boiled [bohl-d] - Hervido
  3. Burnt [buhrnt] - Quemado
  4. Cooked [kuhkt] - Cocinado
  5. Drunk [druhnk] - Borracho
  6. Fried [frahyd] - Frito
  7. Full [ful] - Lleno
  8. Greasy [gree-zee] - Grasiento
  9. Grilled [grilled] - A la parrilla
  10. Hot [hot] - Caliente
  11. Hungry [hung-gree] - Hambriento
  12. Mild [mahyld] - Suave
  13. Over-cooked [oh-ver-kuhkt] - Pasado
  14. Raw [raw] - Crudo
  15. Salty [sawl-tee] - Salado
  16. Soft drink [soft drink] - Refresco
  17. Sour [sow-er] - Agrio
  18. Spicy [spahy-see] - Picante
  19. Starving [stahr-ving] - Muerto de hambre
  20. Sweet [sweet] - Dulce
  21. Tasty [tey-stee] - Sabroso



  1. Clear [kler] - Despejado
  2. Cloudy [klow-dee] - Nublado
  3. Cold [kold] - Frío
  4. Cool [kool] - Fresco
  5. Damp [damp] - Húmedo
  6. Dark [dark] - Oscuro
  7. Dry [drahy] - Seco
  8. Fair [fay-er] - Justo
  9. Foggy [fog-ee] - Neblina
  10. Hot [hot] - Caliente
  11. Humid [hew-mid] - Húmedo
  12. Mild [mahyld] - Suave
  13. Rainy [rey-nee] - Lluvioso
  14. Snowy [snoh-wee] - Nevado
  15. Stormy [stawr-mee] - tormentoso
  16. Sunny [suhn-nee] - Soleado
  17. Temperate [tem-per-it] - Templado
  18. Windy [win-dee] - Ventoso
  19. Winter [win-ter] - Invierno
  20. Warm [wawrm] - Cálido



  1. Delayed (dɪˈleɪdɪd) - Retrasado
  2. Early (ˈɜːrli) - Temprano
  3. Frequent (ˈfriːkwənt) - Frecuente
  4. Interrupted (ˌɪntəˈrʌptɪd) - Interrumpido
  5. Last (læst) - Último
  6. Late (leɪt) - Tarde
  7. Out of date (aʊt əv deɪt) - Caducado
  8. Permanent (ˈpɜːmənənt) - Permanente
  9. Punctual (ˈpʌŋktjuəl) - Puntual
  10. Up to date (ʌp tə deɪt) - Hasta hoy
  11. Urgent (ˈɜːrdʒənt) - Urgente


  1. blunt [blʌnt] (desafilado)
  2. cheap [tʃip] (barato)
  3. expensive [ɪksˈpɛnsɪv] (caro)
  4. golden [ˈɡoʊldən] (de oro)
  5. hard [hɑːrd] (duro)
  6. heavy [ˈhevi] (pesado)
  7. hollow [ˈhɑːloʊ] (hueco)
  8. iron [ˈaɪərn] (hierro)
  9. light [laɪt] (ligero)
  10. new [nu] (nuevo)
  11. pure [pjʊər] (puro)
  12. rough [rʌf] (áspero)
  13. sharp [ʃɑːrp] (afilado)
  14. silver [ˈsɪlvər] (plata)
  15. smooth [smuθ] (liso)
  16. solid [ˈsɑːlɪd] (sólido)
  17. used [juːzd] (usado)
  18. useful [ˈjuːsfl] (útil)
  19. useless [ˈjuːsləs] (sin utilidad)
  20. wooden [ˈwʊdn] (de madera)



  1. Big [bɪɡ] (grande)
  2. Deep [diːp] (profundo)
  3. Far [fɑːr] (lejos)
  4. Few [fjuː] (pocos)
  5. Great [ɡreɪt] (grande)
  6. Half [hæf] (mitad)
  7. High [haɪ] (alto)
  8. Huge [hjuːdʒ] (enorme)
  9. Inner [ˈɪnər] (interior)
  10. Large [lɑːrdʒ] (grande)
  11. Left [left] (izquierda)
  12. Long [lɒŋ] (largo)
  13. Low [ləʊ] (bajo)
  14. Narrow [ˈnærəʊ] (estrecho)
  15. Near [nɪər] (cerca)
  16. Opposite [əˈpɒzɪt] (enfrente de)
  17. Outer [ˈaʊtər] (exterior)
  18. Right [raɪt] (derecha)
  19. Shallow [ˈʃæləʊ] (poco profundo)
  20. Short [ʃɔːrt] (corto)
  21. Similar [ˈsɪmɪlər] (similar)
  22. Small [smɔːl] (pequeño)
  23. Tiny [ˈtaɪni] (muy pequeño)
  24. Top [tɒp] (alto)
  25. Upper [ˈʌpər] (superior/más alto)
  26. Wide [waɪd] (ancho)


  1. amazed ['æmeɪzd] (alucinado)
  2. amazing ['æmeɪzɪŋ] (alucinante)
  3. astonished [ə'stɒnɪʃt] (atónito)
  4. astonishing [ə'stɒnɪʃɪŋ] (increíble)
  5. busy ['bɪzi] (ocupado)
  6. clean [kliːn] (limpio)
  7. crowded ['kraʊdɪd] (abarrotado)
  8. dangerous ['deɪndʒərəs] (peligroso)
  9. difficult ['dɪfɪkəlt] (difícil)
  10. dirty ['dɜːti] (sucio)
  11. easy ['iːzi] (fácil)
  12. empty ['empti] (vacío)
  13. excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] (contento)
  14. exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] (emocionante)
  15. fast [fæst] (rápido)
  16. fair [feər] (justo)
  17. filthy ['fɪlθi] (asqueroso)
  18. fine [faɪn] (bien)
  19. free [friː] (libre/gratis)
  20. full [fʊl] (lleno)
  21. interested ['ɪntərɪstɪd] (interesado)
  22. interesting ['ɪntərɪstɪŋ] (interesante)
  23. lost [lɒst] (perdido)
  24. loud [laʊd] (alto)
  25. lucky ['lʌki] (afortunado)
  26. powerful ['paʊərfl] (poderoso)
  27. powerless ['paʊərləs] (sin poder)
  28. quickly ['kwɪkli] (rápidamente)
  29. safe [seɪf] (seguro)
  30. silent ['saɪlənt] (silencioso)
  31. slow [sləʊ] (lento)
  32. surprised [sə'praɪzd] (sorprendido)
  33. surprising [sə'praɪzɪŋ] (sorprendente)
  34. unlucky ['ʌn'lʌki] (desafortunado)
  35. wonderful ['wʌndəfl] (maravilloso)


ejercicio 1

"The Different Personalities of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi"


Read the following text and answer the questions bellow:


Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are two of the greatest footballers of all time. They have been dominating the sport for over a decade, and their personalities are as different as their playing styles.

Ronaldo is known to be very confident, ambitious, and competitive. He has an intense drive to win and is always striving to improve his game. His determination and work ethic have made him one of the most successful footballers in history. He is also very charismatic and charming, which makes him a crowd-pleaser both on and off the pitch.

On the other hand, Messi is more reserved and introverted. He is known to be humble, shy, and focused. He is very private, preferring to keep his personal life away from the public eye. He is also very passionate about football, but his passion is expressed in a quiet and reserved manner. He is a creative genius on the field, and his dribbling skills are unmatched.

Both Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are very dedicated to their sport, but their approach to the game is different. Ronaldo is all about winning, and he will do whatever it takes to come out on top. Messi, on the other hand, is more focused on playing beautiful football and putting on a show for the fans.

In conclusion, while Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are both incredibly talented footballers, their personalities are as different as night and day. Ronaldo is confident, ambitious, and competitive, while Messi is reserved, humble, and focused. Regardless of their differences, they are both amazing players and have left an indelible mark on the sport of football.


  1. What are the key personality traits mentioned in the text about Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi?
  2. How does the author compare the personalities of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi in the text?
  3. What qualities set Cristiano Ronaldo apart from Messi according to the text?
  4. Does the text mention any similarities between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi's personalities?
  5. Are there any negative personality traits described in the text about either Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi? If so, which player do they apply to and what are they?




1. What are some of the personality traits described for Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi in the text?

Some of the personality traits described for Cristiano Ronaldo include driven, hard-working, confident, ambitious, and focused. For Lionel Messi, the text mentions humble, quiet, reserved, reserved, and down-to-earth.

2.How is the personality of Cristiano Ronaldo different from that of Lionel Messi according to the text?

According to the text, Cristiano Ronaldo is described as a driven, hard-working, confident, ambitious and focused individual, while Lionel Messi is described as humble, quiet, reserved, and down-to-earth.

3. What are some of the common personality traits shared by Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi mentioned in the text?

The text mentions that both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are dedicated and passionate about their sport.

4.What is the author's overall view of the personalities of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi?

The author seems to present an objective view of the personalities of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, highlighting their individual characteristics and qualities without showing any particular bias towards either of them.

5. What role do personal goals play in the personality of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi according to the text?

The text mentions that Cristiano Ronaldo's personal goals play a big role in his personality as he is driven, ambitious and focused on achieving success. For Lionel Messi, the text mentions that his reserved personality may be due to his personal goals of keeping his private life separate from his public life as a professional footballer.