
Chapter 4 - The Mysterious Footprints - Adventures in Rapelo

Descripción: Adventures in Rapelo - Chapter 4 - The Mysterious Footprints. Audiobook (Basic level).

One morning, Natalia and Claudia noticed strange footprints in their garden. The footprints were enormous and unlike anything they had seen before. Curious about who or what could have made them, they decided to follow the tracks.


The footprints led them into the dense forest and towards an ancient-looking castle hidden among the trees. Feeling a mix of excitement and fear, the twins entered the castle. Inside, they discovered a friendly dragon named Drizzle, who had accidentally wandered into the village.


Drizzle explained that he was lost and apologized for the mess he had inadvertently created in the garden. The twins forgave him and, in return, Drizzle promised to help protect Rapelo from any harm. From that day on, Drizzle became the village's guardian, and his footprints were a symbol of protection.


  1. Accidentally /ˌæk.səˈden.tə.li/ - Accidentalmente
  2. Ancient-looking /ˈeɪn.ʃənt ˈlʊk.ɪŋ/ - De aspecto antiguo
  3. Apologized /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒaɪzd/ - Se disculpó
  4. Castle /ˈkɑː.səl/ - Castillo
  5. Claudia /ˈklɔː.dɪ.ə/ - Claudia
  6. Could /kʊd/ - Podría
  7. Created /kriːˈeɪ.tɪd/ - Creado
  8. Curious /ˈkjʊə.ri.əs/ - Curioso
  9. Day /deɪ/ - Día
  10. Dense /dens/ - Denso
  11. Discover /dɪˈskʌv.ər/ - Descubrir
  12. Dragon /ˈdræɡ.ən/ - Dragón
  13. Drizzle /ˈdrɪz.əl/ - Llovizna (nombre propio)
  14. Enormous /ɪˈnɔː.məs/ - Enorme
  15. Entered /ˈen.təd/ - Entraron
  16. Excitement /ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/ - Emoción
  17. Explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ - Explicó
  18. Feeling /ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ - Sentimiento
  19. Follow /ˈfɒl.əʊ/ - Seguir
  20. Footprints /ˈfʊt.prɪnts/ - Huellas
  21. Forgive /fəˈɡɪv/ - Perdonar
  22. Friendly /ˈfrend.li/ - Amigable
  23. Garden /ˈɡɑː.dən/ - Jardín
  24. Harm /hɑːm/ - Daño
  25. Hidden /ˈhɪd.ən/ - Escondido
  26. Inadvertently /ˌɪn.ədˈvɜː.tənt.li/ - Inadvertidamente
  27. Inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/ - Dentro
  28. Mix /mɪks/ - Mezcla
  29. Morning /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/ - Mañana
  30. Named /neɪmd/ - Llamado
  31. Natalia /nəˈtæl.jə/ - Natalia
  32. Noticed /ˈnəʊ.tɪst/ - Observaron
  33. Or /ɔːr/ - O
  34. Protect /prəˈtekt/ - Proteger
  35. Promise /ˈprɒm.ɪs/ - Prometió
  36. Rapelo /rəˈpeɪ.loʊ/ - Rapelo (nombre propio)
  37. Seen /siːn/ - Visto
  38. Strange /streɪndʒ/ - Extraño
  39. Symbol /ˈsɪm.bəl/ - Símbolo
  40. Tracks /træks/ - Rastros
  41. Trees /triːz/ - Árboles
  42. Twin /twɪn/ - Gemelo
  43. Unlike /ˌʌnˈlaɪk/ - A diferencia de
  44. Village /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/ - Pueblo
  45. Wandered /ˈwɒn.dəd/ - Vagó - caminó
  46. What /wɒt/ - Qué
  47. Who /huː/ - Quién