Descripción: Adventures in Rapelo - Chapter 7 - The Lost Puppy. Audiobook (Basic level).
One rainy afternoon, the twins heard a soft whimper outside their window. They rushed outside and found a tiny, shivering puppy huddled under a tree. The poor thing was lost and frightened.
Natalia and Claudia brought the puppy inside and gave it a warm bath to help it feel better. They named the puppy Puffy because of its fluffy white fur.
The girls tried to find Puffy's owner by asking around the village, but no one seemed to recognize the little pup. Natalia and Claudia decided to take care of Puffy until they could find its home.
As days passed, Puffy became a cherished member of the family. The twins played with him, took him for walks, and even taught him a few tricks. Puffy's playful antics brought laughter and joy to the household.
One day, while strolling through the village square with Puffy, they noticed a lost pet poster on a bulletin board. The picture on the poster looked exactly like Puffy! Excited but sad, they realized that they had to return Puffy to its rightful owner.
With heavy hearts, they contacted the phone number on the poster. The owner, a kind elderly lady named Isabella, was overjoyed to hear that her beloved Puffy was safe. She thanked Natalia and Claudia for taking care of him and promised to visit them soon to express her gratitude.
- afternoon [ˌæftərˈnuːn] - tarde / tarde
- and [ænd] - y / y
- bath [bæθ] - baño / baño
- because [bɪˈkɔːz] - porque / porque
- became [bɪˈkeɪm] - se convirtió / se convirtió
- board [bɔːrd] - tablero / tablero
- brought [brɔːt] - trajeron / trajeron
- but [bʌt] - pero / pero
- care [keər] - cuidado / cuidado
- cherished [ˈʧerɪʃt] - querido / querido
- Claudia [ˈklɔːdiə] - Claudia / Claudia
- contacted [kənˈtæktɪd] - contactaron / contactaron
- decided [dɪˈsaɪdɪd] - decidieron / decidieron
- elderly [ˈɛldərli] - anciana / anciana
- even [ˈiːvən] - incluso / incluso
- excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] - emocionado / emocionado
- express [ɪkˈsprɛs] - expresar / expresar
- family [ˈfæməli] - familia / familia
- find [faɪnd] - encontrar / encontrar
- fluffy [ˈflʌfi] - esponjoso / esponjoso
- for [fɔːr] - para / para
- found [faʊnd] - encontraron / encontraron
- frightened [ˈfraɪtnd] - asustado / asustado
- gave [ɡeɪv] - dieron / dieron
- girls [ɡɜːrlz] - chicas / chicas
- grateful [ˈɡreɪtfəl] - agradecida / agradecida
- gratitude [ˈɡrætɪtjuːd] - gratitud / gratitud
- hear [hɪr] - oír / oír
- heard [hɜːrd] - oyeron / oyeron
- heart [hɑːrt] - corazón / corazón
- heavy [ˈhɛvi] - pesado / pesado
- helped [hɛlpt] - ayudaron / ayudaron
- huddled [ˈhʌdld] - acurrucado / acurrucado
- inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] - dentro / dentro
- Isabella [ɪˈzəbələ] - Isabella / Isabella
- joy [ʤɔɪ] - alegría / alegría
- kind [kaɪnd] - amable / amable
- lady [ˈleɪdi] - dama / dama
- laughter [ˈlæftər] - risa / risa
- little [ˈlɪtl] - pequeño / pequeño
- lost [lɔːst] - perdido / perdido
- member [ˈmɛmbər] - miembro / miembro
- named [neɪmd] - llamado / llamado
- Natasha [nəˈtæliə] - Natalia / Natalia
- noticed [ˈnoʊtɪst] - notaron / notaron
- one [wʌn] - uno / uno
- outside [ˈaʊtˌsaɪd] - afuera / afuera
- owner [ˈoʊnər] - dueño / dueño
- passed [pæst] - pasaron / pasaron
- phone [foʊn] - teléfono / teléfono
- picture [ˈpɪktʃər] - imagen / imagen
- playful [ˈpleɪfəl] - juguetón / juguetón
- played [pleɪd] - jugaron / jugaron
- poor [pʊr] - pobre / pobre
- poster [ˈpoʊstər] - cartel / cartel
- promised [ˈprɒmɪst] - prometieron / prometieron
- Puffy [ˈpʌfi] - Puffy / Puffy
- puppy [ˈpʌpi] - cachorro / cachorro
- recognize [ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz] - reconocer / reconocer
- return [rɪˈtɜːrn] - devolver / devolver
- rushed [rʌʃt] - se apresuraron / se apresuraron
- safe [seɪf] - seguro / seguro
- sad [sæd] - triste / triste
- seemed [siːmd] - parecía / parecía
- shivering [ˈʃɪvərɪŋ] - temblando / temblando
- soft [sɔːft] - suave / suave
- square [skwɛr] - plaza / plaza
- strolling [ˈstroʊlɪŋ] - paseando / paseando
- take [teɪk] - llevar / llevar
- taught [tɔːt] - enseñaron / enseñaron
- thank [θæŋk] - agradecer / agradecer
- that [ðæt] - que / que
- the [ðə] - el, la, los, las / el, la, los, las
- they [ðeɪ] - ellos, ellas / ellos, ellas
- thing [θɪŋ] - cosa / cosa
- tiny [ˈtaɪni] - diminuto / diminuto
- to [tuː] - a, hacia / a, hacia
- took [tʊk] - llevaron / llevaron
- tree [triː] - árbol / árbol