
Chapter 8 - The Haunted House - Adventures in Rapelo

Decripción: Adventures in Rapelo - Chapter 8 - The Haunted House (Basic level).

Rapelo had a spooky legend about a haunted house on the outskirts of the village. One night, the twins overheard some villagers talking about mysterious lights and eerie sounds coming from the abandoned building.


Natalia and Claudia were curious but a bit scared. They decided to investigate the haunted house to uncover the truth behind the ghostly rumors. Armed with flashlights and their brave spirits, they ventured into the dark building.


As they explored the house, strange creaking sounds filled the air, and the wind made the old shutters rattle. "Is it really haunted?" Claudia whispered, feeling a shiver down her spine. Just then, they heard a faint, sorrowful moan.


With trembling hearts, they followed the sound and found a small injured kitten hiding under a dusty sofa. The poor kitten was frightened and hungry. Natalia and Claudia knew they had to help the kitten, so they gently picked it up and comforted it with soft words.


Leaving the haunted house, they took the kitten home and named it Whiskers. They soon learned that the kitten's cries were mistaken for ghostly moans, adding to the haunted house's eerie reputation.



  1. Abandoned [əˈbændənd] - Abandonado/a
  2. Add [æd] - Añadir
  3. Air [ɛr] - Aire
  4. Armed [ɑrmd] - Armado/a
  5. Behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] - Detrás
  6. Bit [bɪt] - Un poco
  7. Brave [breɪv] - Valiente
  8. Building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] - Edificio
  9. Claudia [ˈklɔdiə] - Claudia
  10. Comforted [kəmˈfɔrtɪd] - Reconfortado/a
  11. Coming [ˈkʌmɪŋ] - Llegando
  12. Creaking [ˈkrikɪŋ] - Crujiente
  13. Cries [kraɪz] - Llantos
  14. Curious [ˈkjʊriəs] - Curioso/a
  15. Dark [dɑrk] - Oscuro/a
  16. Decided [dɪˈsaɪdɪd] - Decidieron
  17. Eerie [ˈɪri] - Espeluznante
  18. Explored [ɪkˈsplɔrd] - Exploraron
  19. Faint [feɪnt] - Débil
  20. Frightened [ˈfraɪtənd] - Asustado/a
  21. Ghostly [ˈɡoʊstli] - Espeluznante
  22. Haunted [ˈhɔntɪd] - Embrujado/a
  23. Heard [hɜrd] - Escucharon
  24. Help [hɛlp] - Ayudar
  25. Home [hoʊm] - Casa (hogar)
  26. House [haʊs] - Casa
  27. Hungry [ˈhʌŋɡri] - Hambriento/a
  28. Injured [ˈɪndʒərd] - Herido/a
  29. Investigate [ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡeɪt] - Investigar
  30. Just [dʒʌst] - Justo/a
  31. Kitten [ˈkɪtən] - Gatito/a
  32. Known [noʊn] - Sabido/a
  33. Learned [lɜrnd] - Aprendieron
  34. Legend [ˈlɛdʒənd] - Leyenda
  35. Lights [laɪts] - Luces
  36. Mysterious [mɪsˈtɪriəs] - Misterioso/a
  37. Names [neɪmz] - Nombres
  38. Natalia [nəˈtæliə] - Natalia
  39. Night [naɪt] - Noche
  40. Old [oʊld] - Viejo/a
  41. Outskirts [ˈaʊtˌskɜrts] - Afueras
  42. Overheard [ˌoʊvərˈhɜrd] - Escucharon por casualidad
  43. Poor [pʊr] - Pobre
  44. Reputation [ˌrɛpjʊˈteɪʃən] - Reputación
  45. Rattle [ˈrætl] - Traquetear
  46. Rumors [ˈrumərz] - Rumores
  47. Scared [skɛrd] - Asustado/a
  48. Shiver [ˈʃɪvər] - Estremecerse
  49. Shutters [ˈʃʌtərz] - Persianas
  50. Small [smɔl] - Pequeño/a
  51. Soft [sɔft] - Suave
  52. Sounds [saʊndz] - Sonidos
  53. Spirits [ˈspɪrɪts] - Espíritus
  54. Spooky [ˈspuːki] - Espeluznante
  55. Strange [streɪndʒ] - Extraño/a
  56. Sorrowful [ˈsɑroʊfəl] - Lleno/a de tristeza
  57. Talking [ˈtɔkɪŋ] - Hablando
  58. They [ðeɪ] - Ellos/as
  59. Thought [θɔt] - Pensamiento
  60. Twins [twɪnz] - Gemelos/as
  61. Uncover [ʌnˈkʌvər] - Descubrir
  62. Ventured [ˈvɛntʃərd] - Se aventuraron
  63. Village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] - Pueblo
  64. Villagers [ˈvɪlɪdʒərz] - Aldeanos
  65. Wind [wɪnd] - Viento
  66. Whiskers [ˈwɪskərz] - Bigotes
  67. Wind [waɪnd] - Viento