Descripción: sustantivos contables e incontables en inglés, los cuantificadores (enough, any, no, some, a lot of/lots of, most, all) y los artículos a, an.
La principal diferencia entre sustantivos contables e incontables es que los
es que los sustantivos contables se pueden contar, mientras que los incontables no. Por ejemplo:
A table, two tables, three tables (una mesa, des mesas, tres mesas)
Ejemplos de sustantivos incontables:
* milk (the milk is in the fridge).
* water (there isn't much water in the bottle).
* rice (I would like to eat some rice).
* sugar (How much sugar is there left?)
* money (I need some money to buy a smartphone).
Los cuantificadores nos ayudan a identificar y a distinguir los sustantivos contables de los incontables. Por ejemplo, "many" y "few" suelen acompañar a nombres contables mientras que "much" y "little"acompañan a incontables. Por ejemplo:
much money (mucho dinero)
little food (poca comida)
many tables (muchas mesas)
few oranges (pocas naranjas)
Hay cuantificadores que pueden ser utilizados tanto para contables como incontables:
* There were not enough students in the classroom.
* I don't have enough money to buy that car.
2. NO
* There were no people in the streets.
* I asked the teacher, but I received no help.
3. ANY
* There weren't any student on strike.
* There wasn't any water left.
* There are some books on the table.
* I have some money in my pocket.
Ambos significan lo mismo y expresan "una gran cantidad de":
* He has got a lot of money in his wallet.
* He has got lots of money in his wallet.
* There are a lot of oranges at home.
* There are lots of oranges at home.
* He was the most great presents for his birthday.
* She was given the most money for her great project.
7. ALL
* Not all people are interested on politics.
* I have been waiting for you all the morning.
Los artículos "a / an" no pueden utilizarse utilizarse con sustantivos incontables, pero si pueden ayudar a un sustantivo a expresar una cantidad. Por ejemplo, los líquidos en inglés son incontables, pero no el recipiente donde se vierten. Por ejemplo:
a cup of tea (una taza de té)
a glass of water (un vaso de agua)
a lot of money (mucho dinero)
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