
Cuaderno de actividades 11 - Bus

Descripción: Este cuaderno de actividades relacionado con el vocabulario de autobús en inglés es ideal para aquellos que quieren mejorar su comprensión auditiva y ampliar su vocabulario en inglés. Con ejercicios prácticos y una variedad de actividades, los estudiantes pueden aprender sobre los diferentes tipos de autobuses, las partes de un autobús y el vocabulario relacionado con el transporte público. ¡Mejora tus habilidades lingüísticas mientras aprendes sobre el transporte público en inglés con este cuaderno de actividades!

Activity Book: BUS


Exercise 1: Reading Comprehension

Read the following text about buses and answer the true/false questions below.


Buses are a common form of transportation in many cities. They are big vehicles that carry lots of people at once. Buses usually have a driver who sits in the front and steers the vehicle. Passengers enter the bus through the front door and exit through the back door. Buses have seats for passengers to sit on and sometimes have standing room for people who cannot find a seat. Buses run on a schedule and follow a specific route. They stop at designated bus stops to pick up and drop off passengers.


True or False:

1. Buses are not a common form of transportation in cities.

2. Buses carry many people at once.

3. Passengers enter the bus through the back door.

4. Buses have seats for passengers to sit on.

5. Buses do not follow a specific route.


Exercise 2: Vocabulary

Match the words to their definitions, then use the words to complete the sentences below.


1. Driver

2. Vehicle

3. Passengers

4. Schedule

5. Route



a. A plan that shows the way to get from one place to another.

b. A person who operates a machine or vehicle.

c. People who travel in a vehicle.

d. A list of times when something is planned to happen.

e. A thing used for transporting people or goods.



1. The bus ___ stops at the corner of Main Street and Elm Street.

2. The ___ of the bus steers the vehicle.

3. The ___ enter the bus through the front door.

4. The bus follows a specific ___.

5. The ___ carries many people at once.


Exercise 3: Grammar

Fill in the blanks with the past simple form of the verbs in parentheses.


1. Yesterday, I ____ (ride) the bus to school.

2. She ____ (get) off the bus at the park.

3. They ____ (wait) at the bus stop for 10 minutes.

4. He ____ (pay) the bus fare with a dollar bill.

5. We ____ (see) the bus driver when we got on the bus.

Exercise 4: Listening Comprehension

Listen to the following audio clip about buses and fill in the gaps with the missing words.


"Buses are a common form of transportation in many ___. They are big vehicles that carry lots of people at once. Buses usually have a driver who sits in the ___. Passengers enter the bus through the ___ door and exit through the back door. Buses have seats for passengers to sit on and sometimes have standing ___ for people who cannot find a seat. Buses run on a ___ and follow a specific route. They stop at designated bus stops to pick up and drop off passengers."


Missing words:


1. cities

2. front

3. front

4. room

5. schedule


Exercise 5: Writing

Complete the following sentences with the connectors AND, BUT, or BECAUSE.


1. I like to ride the bus, ___ I also like to walk to school.

2. She missed the bus, ___ she had to call a taxi.


3. He was late for work ___ the bus was delayed.



Exercise 1: Reading Comprehension

True or False:

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False


Exercise 2: Vocabulary


1. b. Driver

2. e. Vehicle

3. c. Passengers

4. d. Schedule

5. a. Route



1. Route

2. Driver

3. Passengers

4. Schedule

5. Vehicle


Exercise 3: Grammar

1. rode

2. got

3. waited

4. paid

5. saw


Exercise 4: Listening Comprehension

Cities, front, front, room, schedule


Exercise 5: Writing

1. but

2. so

3. because