Descripción: Ejercicio 2 - Pasiva en inglés. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva. Después comprueba tus respuestas. Puedes acceder a la explicación en español o en inglés.
1. Activa: The jury will announce the winner tomorrow.
Pasiva: The winner (announce) by the jury tomorrow.
2. Activa: The mechanic has fixed the vehicle.
Pasiva: The vehicle (fix) by the mechanic.
3. Activa: The team played a fantastic game.
Pasiva: A fantastic game (play) by the team.
4. Activa: The company is launching a new product.
Pasiva: A new product (launch) by the company.
5. Activa: The teacher corrected the essays.
Pasiva: The essays (correct) by the teacher.
6. Activa: The children will decorate the hall for the celebration.
Pasiva: The hall (decorate) by the children for the celebration.
7. Activa: The gardener planted new trees in the park.
Pasiva: New trees (plant) in the park by the gardener.
8. Activa: The artist will create a new sculpture.
Pasiva: A new sculpture (create) by the artist.
9. Activa: The chef had prepared a beautiful dish.
Pasiva: A beautiful dish (prepare) by the chef.
10. Activa: The scientists are studying the effects of the new drug.
Pasiva: The effects of the new drug (study) by the scientists.
11. Activa: The developers are building a new application.
Pasiva: A new application (build) by the developers.
12. Activa: The manager approved the proposal last week.
Pasiva: The proposal (approve) last week by the manager.
13. Activa: The secretary typed the report.
Pasiva: The report (type) by the secretary.
14. Activa: The volunteers distributed food during the crisis.
Pasiva: Food (distribute) during the crisis by the volunteers.
15. Activa: The police arrested the suspect last night.
Pasiva: The suspect (arrest) last night by the police.
16. Activa: The teacher will give a test next Monday.
Pasiva: A test (give) next Monday by the teacher.
17. Activa: The employees are organizing a strike.
Pasiva: A strike (organize) by the employees.
18. Activa: The committee has selected three finalists.
Pasiva: Three finalists (select) by the committee.
19. Activa: The director will produce a new play this year.
Pasiva: A new play (produce) by the director this year.
20. Activa: The author wrote a new novel.
Pasiva: A new novel (write) by the author.
1. will be announced / 'll be announced
2. has been fixed / 's been fixed
3. was played
4. is being launched / 's being launched
5. were corrected
6. will be decorated / 'll be decorated
7. were planted
8. will be created / 'll be created
9. had been prepared / 'd been prepared
10. are being studied / 're being studied
11. is being built / 's being built
12. was approved
13. was typed
14. was distributed
15. was arrested
16. will be given / 'll be given
17. is being organized / 's being organized
18. have been selected / 've been selected
19. will be produced / 'll be produced
20. was written
Presente simple - Pasiva -
Presente continuo - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Pasado simple - Pasiva -
Pasado continuo - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Futuro simple -
Pasiva - Ejercicio
Futuro planeado - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Presente perfecto
simple - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Pasado perfecto simple - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Verbos modales
simples - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Verbos modales perfectos - Pasiva - Ejercicio
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