Descripción: Ejercicio 4 - Pasiva en inglés. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva. Después comprueba tus respuestas. Puedes acceder a la explicación en español o en inglés (enlace verde).
1. Activa: The team is winning the match.
Pasiva: The match (win) by the team.
2. Activa: The chef had cooked the meal before the guests arrived.
Pasiva: The meal (cook) before the guests arrived by the chef.
3. Activa: The students will finish the project next week.
Pasiva: The project (finish) next week by the students.
4. Activa: The company was selling shares on the stock market.
Pasiva: Shares (sell) on the stock market by the company.
5. Activa: The artist has painted a new mural.
Pasiva: A new mural (paint) by the artist.
6. Activa: The council will approve the new laws tomorrow.
Pasiva: The new laws (approve) tomorrow by the council.
7. Activa: The mechanic is fixing the car now.
Pasiva: The car (fix) now by the mechanic.
8. Activa: The teacher had explained the concept before the test.
Pasiva: The concept (explain) before the test by the teacher.
9. Activa: The secretary will book the flights tonight.
Pasiva: The flights (book) tonight by the secretary.
10. Activa: The gardener has been watering the plant.
Pasiva: The plant (water) by the gardener.
1. is being won / 's being won
2. had been cooked / 'd been cooked
3. will be finished / 'll be finished
4. were being sold
5. has been painted / 's been painted
6. will be approved / 'll be approved
7. is being fixed / 's being fixed
8. had been explained / 'd been explained
9. will be booked / 'll be booked
10. has been watered / 's been watered
Presente simple - Pasiva -
Presente continuo - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Pasado simple - Pasiva -
Pasado continuo - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Futuro simple -
Pasiva - Ejercicio
Futuro planeado - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Presente perfecto
simple - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Pasado perfecto simple - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Verbos modales
simples - Pasiva - Ejercicio
Verbos modales perfectos - Pasiva - Ejercicio
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