1. Apollo (/əˈpɑːloʊ/) - Apolo
  2. Astronomy (/əˈstrɑːnəmi/) - Astronomía
  3. Blue moon (/bluː muːn/) - Luna azul
  4. Celestial (/səˈlɛstiəl/) - Celestial
  5. Crescent (/ˈkrɛsənt/) - Cresta
  6. Crust (/krʌst/) - Corteza
  7. Dark side (/dɑːrk saɪd/) - Lado oscuro
  8. Eclipse (/ɪˈklɪps/) - Eclipse
  9. Far side (/fɑːr saɪd/) - Lado lejano
  10. First quarter (/fɜːrst ˈkwɔːrtər/) - Primer cuarto
  11. Full moon (/fʊl muːn/) - Luna llena
  12. Gibbous (/ˈɡɪbəs/) - Giboso
  13. Harvest moon (/ˈhɑːrvɪst muːn/) - Luna de la cosecha
  14. Lunar (/ˈluːnər/) - Lunar
  15. Moonbeam (/ˈmuːnbiːm/) - Rayo de luna
  16. Moonlight (/ˈmuːnlaɪt/) - Luz de luna
  17. Moonrise (/ˈmuːnraɪz/) - Salida de la luna
  18. Moonset (/ˈmuːnset/) - Puesta de la luna
  19. New moon (/nuː muːn/) - Luna nueva
  20. Orbit (/ˈɔːrbɪt/) - Órbita
  21. Penumbra (/pɪˈnʌmbrə/) - Penumbra
  22. Phase (/feɪz/) - Fase
  23. Quarter (/ˈkwɔːrtər/) - Cuarto
  24. Satellite (/ˈsætəlaɪt/) - Satélite
  25. Supermoon (/ˈsuːpərmuːn/) - Superluna
  26. Terminator (/ˈtɜːrmɪneɪtər/) - Terminator
  27. Third quarter (/θɜːrd ˈkwɔːrtər/) - Tercer cuarto
  28. Tides (/taɪdz/) - Mareas
  29. Waning (/ˈweɪnɪŋ/) - Menguante
  30. Waxing (/ˈwæksɪŋ/) - Creciente

"The First Moon Landing"


Read the following text and say if the statements bellow are true or false:


In 1969, three American astronauts went on a trip to the moon. They were named Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Neil and Buzz were the first humans to step on the moon. They walked on the moon's surface and planted the American flag. People all around the world watched this amazing event on their televisions. When they returned to Earth, they were heroes! The astronauts explored the moon for a few hours and collected rocks to bring back to Earth. The moon is very far away and it took a lot of hard work to get there, but they did it and made history!


  1. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Jackson went on a trip to the moon. 
  2. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to step on the moon. 
  3. The astronauts only spent a few minutes exploring the moon. 
  4. People all around the world watched the moon landing on television. 
  5. The astronauts brought back rocks from the moon. 
  6. The moon landing was not an important event in history. 
  7. Michael Collins was the first person to step on the moon. 
  8. The moon is very close to Earth. 
  9. The astronauts encountered no difficulties or challenges during their journey to the moon. 
  10. The astronauts became heroes after their successful moon landing. 












