
Ficha 1 - Nivel Avanzado - B2 - Inglés



Ficha inglés nivel avanzado B2 - How creativity shapes the World. Ficha de ejercicios sobre el papel de la creatividad en la historia, con actividades de verdadero o falso, comprensión lectora, asociación de ideas, identificación de elementos y ejercicios de escritura. Incluye respuestas destacadas en color verde para facilitar el aprendizaje y la corrección. Ideal para estudiantes de inglés de nivel intermedio que deseen mejorar su comprensión y expresión escrita.

How Creativity Shapes the World



Creativity is a powerful force that drives innovation and change. From art and music to technology and science, creative thinking has led to some of the most significant advancements in human history. It allows people to see the world in new ways, solve problems, and bring their unique ideas to life.

Consider the famous artist Pablo Picasso, who revolutionized modern art with his inventive style, or Steve Jobs, whose creativity changed the world of technology forever. Both figures were able to see beyond the ordinary and create something extraordinary. Creativity is not just about artistic talent—it’s a skill that can be applied to any area of life.

In my personal experience, creativity has helped me overcome challenges in unexpected ways. When faced with a problem at school, instead of following the usual methods, I tried thinking outside the box and found a solution that worked even better. This taught me that creativity often leads to new opportunities and unexpected success.

Creativity also requires an open mind and the courage to take risks. Those who are willing to explore new ideas and challenge the status quo often find themselves at the forefront of innovation. In short, creativity is an essential skill that can unlock endless possibilities, making the world a richer, more dynamic place.


Exercise 1: True or False

  1. Creativity only applies to art and music.
  2. Pablo Picasso was known for his revolutionary artistic style.
  3. Creativity can help solve everyday problems.
  4. Steve Jobs changed the world of technology through his creativity.
  5. Creativity guarantees success without any effort.

Exercise 2: Comprehension Questions

  1. How did Picasso influence modern art?
  2. How does the author describe the role of creativity in solving problems?
  3. What lesson did the author learn from using creativity in school?
  4. Why is creativity considered an important skill according to the text?
  5. Can creativity be applied to areas outside of art? Explain.

Exercise 3: Matching Ideas

Match the ideas in Column A with their corresponding statements in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Pablo Picasso a.Revolutionized modern art.
2. Creativity b.Drives innovation and problem-solving.
3. Steve Jobs c.Brought new ideas to the world of technology.
4. Open-mindedness dLeads to risk-taking and new opportunities.
5. Creativity in school e.Helped find a unique solution to a problem.


Exercise 4: Identifying Elements

Identify the following in the text:

  1. A historical figure known for their creativity.
  2. An example of creativity in technology.
  3. A personal example from the author about creative problem-solving.
  4. A benefit of being open-minded.
  5. A synonym for “innovation.”


Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct words:

  1. Pablo Picasso’s creativity ______________ the world of modern art.
  2. Steve Jobs ______________ creativity to revolutionize technology.
  3. Creativity can help people solve ______________ in new ways.
  4. Creativity requires both an open mind and ______________.
  5. ______________ is essential for driving innovation and change.


Exercise 6: Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the creative contributions of Pablo Picasso and Steve Jobs. How are they similar in terms of their impact on the world, and how do their fields of creativity differ?


Exercise 7: Writing

Write an essay of about 100 words on how creativity can help you solve problems and improve your everyday life.

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