
Ficha 5 - Nivel avanzado - B2 - Inglés



Ficha 5 - Nivel avanzado - The Role of Social Media in Modern Communication. Explora cómo las redes sociales han cambiado la forma en que las personas se comunican, analizando tanto sus beneficios como sus riesgos. Practica con ejercicios de comprensión, verdadero o falso, emparejamiento y redacción. Ideal para estudiantes que desean desarrollar un pensamiento crítico sobre el impacto de las redes sociales.

The Role of Social Media in Modern Communication

Social media has revolutionized how people communicate, providing platforms for instant sharing of ideas, opinions, and information. From personal interactions to global discussions, it has bridged distances and enabled individuals to connect regardless of geographical boundaries. However, it also presents challenges such as misinformation, cyberbullying, and addiction, which can impact mental health and social relationships.

For instance, while social media allows people to stay updated and engage in meaningful discussions, it also creates echo chambers where people are exposed only to information that confirms their beliefs. This phenomenon can lead to polarization and hinder mutual understanding. Personally, I believe that social media is a powerful tool for communication, but it should be used mindfully to avoid its negative consequences.

In conclusion, social media has become an integral part of modern communication, offering both benefits and drawbacks. It is up to individuals to leverage its potential for positive interactions while being aware of its risks.

Exercise 1: True or False

  1. Social media has only positive effects on communication.
  2. It helps people connect instantly regardless of location.
  3. Social media can create echo chambers of information.
  4. Everyone uses social media responsibly.
  5. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with social media use.

Exercise 2: Comprehension Questions

  1. What are some positive impacts of social media according to the text?
  2. How can social media create challenges for communication?
  3. What personal opinion does the author share about social media?
  4. Why is it important to use social media mindfully?
  5. What are some negative consequences of social media mentioned in the text?

Exercise 3: Matching Ideas

Match the ideas in Column A with their corresponding statements in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Instant Connection a. Allows people to communicate regardless of distance.
2. Echo Chambers b. Creates spaces where people see only what confirms their beliefs.
3. Misinformation c. Spread of false information rapidly on social platforms.
4. Cyberbullying d. Negative interactions that affect individuals emotionally.
5. Responsible Use e. Being mindful of risks and using social media positively.

Exercise 4: Identifying Elements

Identify the following in the text:

  1. A positive impact of social media.
  2. A challenge created by the spread of misinformation.
  3. An example of a negative social media interaction.
  4. A phenomenon that leads to polarization of views.
  5. A synonym for "confirm."

Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct words:

  1. Social media has ______________ communication worldwide.
  2. While it can promote ______________, it can also lead to ______________.
  3. Echo chambers can make it difficult to ______________ new perspectives.
  4. Being aware of misinformation is ______________ for social media users.
  5. We must ______________ a balance between online and offline interactions.

Exercise 6: Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the impact of social media on personal relationships and public discussions. How are they similar and different in terms of benefits and risks?

Exercise 7: Writing

Write an essay of about 150 words on how social media has influenced the way you communicate, mentioning both positive and negative effects.