
Flowers - Vocabulary

Descripción: Flores en inglés. Vocabulario de flores en inglés. Tienes la pronunciación disponible + un ejercicio online con autocorrección. Después, comprueba tus respuestas.

Flores en inglés

Rose - /roʊz/ - Rosa

Stem - /stɛm/ - Tallo

Thorn - /θɔrn/ - Espina

Petal - /ˈpɛtəl/ - Pétalo

Carnation - /kɑrˈneɪʃən/ - Clavel

Primrose - /ˈprɪmroʊz/ - Prímula

Pansy - /ˈpænzi/ - Pensamiento

Tulip - /ˈtuːlɪp/ - Tulipán

Daffodil - /ˈdæfədɪl/ - Narciso

Iris - /ˈaɪrɪs/ - Lirio

Lilac - /ˈlaɪlək/ - Lila

Daisy - /ˈdeɪzi/ - Margarita

Marguerite - /ˈmɑrgərɪt/ - Margarita

Marigold - /ˈmɛrɪˌgoʊld/ - Caléndula

Violet - /ˈvaɪələt/ - Violeta

Cyclamen - /ˈsɪkləmən/ - Ciclamen

Dahlia - /ˈdeɪliə/ - Dalia

Gladiolus - /ɡlædiˈoʊləs/ - Gladiolo

Geranium - /dʒɪˈreɪniəm/ - Geranio

Poppy - /ˈpɑpi/ - Amapola

Cowslip - /ˈkaʊslɪp/ - Prímula

Dandelion - /ˈdændɪlaɪən/ - Diente de león

Dandelion clock - /ˈdændɪlaɪən klɑk/ - Vilano de diente de león

Water lily - /ˈwɔtər ˈlɪli/ - Nenúfar

Buttercup - /ˈbʌtərˌkʌp/ - Botón de oro

Snowdrop - /ˈsnoʊdrɒp/ - Campanilla de invierno


A Trip to the Flower Garden


Read the text and answer the question bellow:


As I walked through the flower garden, I could smell the sweet scent of flowers all around me. I saw many different kinds of flowers, each with their own beautiful colors. I saw daisies, tulips, and roses. They were all so pretty! The lilies looked very soft and gentle as they moved in the wind. I saw bees flying around the sunflowers, and they were sipping the sweet nectar from the center of the flowers. I picked some flowers to take home with me, and made a pretty bouquet to decorate my room. The flower garden was amazing, and I can't wait to go back and see it again.


  1. What did the author smell as they walked through the flower garden?
  2. What are some of the different kinds of flowers that the author saw in the garden?
  3. What did the lilies look like as they moved in the wind?
  4. What were the bees doing around the sunflowers?
  5. What did the author do with the flowers they picked from the garden?





  1. Answer: The sweet scent of flowers.
  2. Answer: Daisies, tulips, and roses.
  3. Answer: They looked soft and gentle.
  4. Answer: They were sipping the sweet nectar from the center of the flowers.
  5. Answer: They made a pretty bouquet to decorate their room.