Descripción: Flores en inglés. Vocabulario de flores en inglés. Tienes la pronunciación disponible + un ejercicio online con autocorrección. Después, comprueba tus respuestas.

Rose - /roʊz/ - Rosa
Stem - /stɛm/ - Tallo
Thorn - /θɔrn/ - Espina
Petal - /ˈpɛtəl/ - Pétalo
Carnation - /kɑrˈneɪʃən/ - Clavel
Primrose - /ˈprɪmroʊz/ - Prímula
Pansy - /ˈpænzi/ - Pensamiento
Tulip - /ˈtuːlɪp/ - Tulipán
Daffodil - /ˈdæfədɪl/ - Narciso
Iris - /ˈaɪrɪs/ - Lirio
Lilac - /ˈlaɪlək/ - Lila
Daisy - /ˈdeɪzi/ - Margarita
Marguerite - /ˈmɑrgərɪt/ - Margarita
Marigold - /ˈmɛrɪˌgoʊld/ - Caléndula
Violet - /ˈvaɪələt/ - Violeta
Cyclamen - /ˈsɪkləmən/ - Ciclamen
Dahlia - /ˈdeɪliə/ - Dalia
Gladiolus - /ɡlædiˈoʊləs/ - Gladiolo
Geranium - /dʒɪˈreɪniəm/ - Geranio
Poppy - /ˈpɑpi/ - Amapola
Cowslip - /ˈkaʊslɪp/ - Prímula
Dandelion - /ˈdændɪlaɪən/ - Diente de león
Dandelion clock - /ˈdændɪlaɪən klɑk/ - Vilano de diente de león
Water lily - /ˈwɔtər ˈlɪli/ - Nenúfar
Buttercup - /ˈbʌtərˌkʌp/ - Botón de oro
Snowdrop - /ˈsnoʊdrɒp/ - Campanilla de invierno
A Trip to the Flower Garden
Read the text and answer the question bellow:
As I walked through the flower garden, I could smell the sweet scent of flowers all around me. I saw many different kinds of flowers, each with their own beautiful colors. I saw daisies, tulips, and roses. They were all so pretty! The lilies looked very soft and gentle as they moved in the wind. I saw bees flying around the sunflowers, and they were sipping the sweet nectar from the center of the flowers. I picked some flowers to take home with me, and made a pretty bouquet to decorate my room. The flower garden was amazing, and I can't wait to go back and see it again.
- What did the author smell as they walked through the flower garden?
- What are some of the different kinds of flowers that the author saw in the garden?
- What did the lilies look like as they moved in the wind?
- What were the bees doing around the sunflowers?
- What did the author do with the flowers they picked from the garden?
- Answer: The sweet scent of flowers.
- Answer: Daisies, tulips, and roses.
- Answer: They looked soft and gentle.
- Answer: They were sipping the sweet nectar from the center of the flowers.
- Answer: They made a pretty bouquet to decorate their room.