Interrogativos en inglés

Ejercicio 2

Descripción: Ejercicio 2 de question words en inglés. Escribe una pregunta para cada una de las oraciones subrayadas que hay debajo. Después, comprueba tus respuestas.  Puedes acceder a la sección de question words para acceder a las explicaciones. 


Completa con el pronombre interrogativo correcto:

  1. did you go yesterday? - I went to the park.
  2. is your sister feeling today? - She's feeling better.
  3. did you meet at the party? - We met last year.
  4. time is it? - It's half past three.
  5. does your brother go to the gym? - He goes three times a week.
  6. people are waiting in line? - There are about twenty people.
  7. did you eat for lunch? - I had a sandwich.
  8. is your favorite color? - My favorite color is blue.
  9. did you arrive late? - Because of traffic.
  10. are you planning for the weekend? - I'm planning to go hiking.

Ejercicios: 1234567