
Reading 1 - Public transport (Nivel básico)



Lee el siguiente texto y completa el ejercicio eligiendo la respuesta adecuada. Después, comprueba tus respuestas. Si necesitas más ejercicios relacionados con tu curso académico te presentamos los siguientes enlaces: 1º eso, 2º eso, 3º eso, 4º eso, 1º bachillerato, 2º bachillerato

Readings nivel básico




Public Transport


Public transport is a convenient and affordable way for people to travel within cities and towns. It plays a crucial role in reducing traffic congestion, saving money, and benefiting the environment.


Firstly, public transport is cost-effective. It is usually much cheaper than owning and maintaining a personal vehicle. By using buses, trams, or trains, commuters can save a significant amount of money on fuel, parking, and maintenance expenses.


Secondly, it helps reduce traffic congestion. When more people use public transport, there are fewer cars on the road. This leads to smoother traffic flow, shorter travel times, and less stress for everyone.


In addition to cost savings and reduced congestion, public transport is environmentally friendly. Buses and trains produce fewer emissions per passenger compared to individual cars. This helps reduce air pollution and contributes to a cleaner, healthier environment.


However, there are some challenges associated with public transport. One common issue is the reliability of schedules. Delays can occur due to traffic, weather, or technical problems, which can inconvenience passengers.


Furthermore, some areas may have limited public transport options, making it difficult for people to access their desired destinations conveniently.


Now, let's test your knowledge with some questions related to the reading:



Choose the correct option for each question:

1. What is one of the main benefits of using public transport?

2. How does public transport benefit the environment?

3. Why is public transport cost-effective?

4. What is one common challenge of public transport?

5. What is one limitation of public transport?

6. What is the environmental benefit of using public transport?

7. How can public transport help reduce stress for commuters?

8. Why do some people prefer using public transport over owning a car?

9. What is a common issue people face with public transport schedules?

10. How does public transport contribute to reducing traffic congestion?

Reading 1 - Public Transport
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Reading 1 - Public Transport - Key answers
Reading 1 - Public Transport - Key answe
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