Descripción: Ejercicios de reading en inglés. Elige el bloque que más se adecue a tu nivel y comienza a practicar. Recuerda que todos los ejercicios de nuestra web contienen auto-corrección y puedes auto-evaluarte. 

Intermediate Level

Descripción: Listado de readings de nivel intermedio en inglés. Los siguientes ejercicios de reading están recomendados para un nivel B1 de inglés y para 3º y 4º de educación secundaria. Los ejercicios contienen auto-corrección. 

Advanced Level

Descripción: Ejercicios de reading de nivel avanzado en inglés. Te presentamos una serie de readings recomendados para un nivel B2 / C1 de inglés. Los ejercicios de reading de nivel avanzado tienen auto-corrección. El usuario puede evaluarse a sí mismo. 

READING 1 - Animal emotions
 READING 2 - How to sleep in the Spanish heat
READING 3 - The life is a disgraced train driver
READING 4 - Spain stars creating jobs again
READING 5 - Gibratar: The ongoing confrontation
READING 6 - Bacteria that kills olive trees
READING 7 - The Spanish flag
READING 8 - Climate change and its impact on the world
READING 9 - Artificial intelligence in healhcare
READING 10 - The future of space exploration
READING 11 - modern plitical movements and activism
READING 12 - The influence of social media on society
READING 13 - Sustainable agriculture and food security
READING 14 - The psychology of decision-making
READING 15- Contemporany challenges in global economics
READING 16. The history of environmental conservation.
READING 17 - Cybersecurity and treats of the digital age.
READING 18 - Mental health and wellbeing in hte 21st century
READING 19 -The art of storytelling in literature and film.
READING 20 - Advances in renewable energy technologies.
READING 21 - Human rights issues around the world.
READING 22 - The impact of big data on business and society.
READING 23 - The role of women in leadership positions.
READING 24 - Urbanization and its effects on cities.
READING 25 - The evolution of the internet and world wide web.
READING 26 - Emerging technologies in education.
READING 27 - Innovations in medical science and healthcare.
READING 28 - The legacy of historical figures and leaders.
READING 29 - The future of electric and autonomous vehicles.
READING 30 - Cultural diversity and globalization.
READING 31 - The history of classical and modern music.
READING 32 - Environmental ethics and conservation. 
READING 33 -Innivations in green architecture and design.
READING 34 - Modern trends in fashion and style.
READING 35 -Space tourism  and the commercialization of space.
READING 36 -The impact of pandemics os society and helthcare.
RADING 37 -Exploring ancient civilizations and archaeological discoveries.