
Examen 6 - Entrenamiento selectividad inglés

Descripción: Examen 6 - Entrenamiento Selectividad Inglés. Completa las oraciones de manera correcta.

Exámenes entrenamiento selectividad inglés


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Examen 6 - Repaso Selectividad

  1. Exercise 1. Turn into passive: "Teams play football in this stadium".
    Football (in this stadium by teams)
  2. Exercise 2. Turn into reported speech: "Can you help me?", she asked.
    She asked .
  3. Exercise 3. Complete using the correct type of conditional sentence:
    If you hadn't watered the plants, they (die).
  4. Exercise 4. Complete using the correct relative pronoun:
    The dog barked all night lives next door.
  5. Exercise 5. Complete using the correct modal verb:
    She visit us next week.
  6. Exercise 6. Complete using the correct verbal tense:
    This time next week, we (fly) to New York.