Descripción: Vocabulario bebidas en ingles. En esta sección analizamos el vocabulario relacionado con bebidas en inglés. Tienes la pronunciación disponible.
Comprehensive Reading
Read the following text and answer the questions:
Last night, I went to a party with my friends. We had a great time and drank different kinds of beverages. I started with a glass of orange juice, which was really refreshing. Then, I switched to a glass of red wine, which was smooth and had a nice flavor. My friends were drinking beer, cola, and ice tea. They were all enjoying their drinks and chatting with each other. After a while, we decided to try something different, so we ordered a few milkshakes. They were creamy and delicious, and we all loved them. Later in the night, I had a cup of green tea, which was relaxing and helped me calm down. It was a great party, and I loved trying all the different drinks.
1. What was the first beverage the person drank at the party?
a. Red wine
b. Orange juice
2. What did the person's friends drink at the party?
a. Milk
b. Beer, cola, and ice tea
3. What kind of drinks did they order later in the night?
a. Tea
b. Milkshakes
4. How did the person feel after drinking green tea?
a. Hyper
b. Relaxed
Correct answers:
1. b. Orange juice
2. b. Beer, cola, and ice tea
3. b. Milkshakes
4. b. Relaxed.
True of false
Say if the following statements are true or false:
1. The person drank beer at the party.
a. True
b. False
2. The person's friends drank milk at the party.
a. True
b. False
3. The person drank green tea at the beginning of the night.
a. True
b. False
4. The person found the milkshakes refreshing.
a. True
b. False
Correct answers:
1. b. False
2. a. True
3. b. False
4. b. False
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