Descripción: Vocabulario cuarto de baño en inglés. Accede al vocabulario relacionado con el cuarto de baño en inglés. Tienes disponible la pronunciación. Esta sección se encuentra actualizada en nuestra sección KIDS.
I love to relax in a hot bathtub after a long day.
(Me encanta relajarme en una bañera caliente después de un largo día).
During the winter, I wrap myself in a cozy blanket while watching TV.
(Durante el invierno, me envuelvo en una manta cómoda mientras veo televisión).
I place a bath mat on the floor to avoid slipping while getting out of the tub.
(Coloco una alfombra de baño en el piso para evitar resbalar al salir de la bañera).
I store my bathroom supplies in a cabinet under the sink.
(Guardo mis suministros de baño en un armario debajo del lavabo).
The countertop in my bathroom is made of marble and looks beautiful.
(La encimera en mi baño está hecha de mármol y se ve hermosa).
I hang a shower curtain to keep the water from splashing outside the tub.
(Coloco una cortina de ducha para evitar que el agua salpique fuera de la bañera).
I turn on the faucet to fill the bathtub with warm water.
(Enciendo el grifo para llenar la bañera con agua caliente).
I dry my hands with a soft hand towel after washing them.
(Me seco las manos con una toalla de mano suave después de lavarlas).
I check my appearance in the mirror before leaving the bathroom.
(Reviso mi apariencia en el espejo antes de salir del baño).
I use shampoo to wash my hair in the shower.
(Uso champú para lavar mi cabello en la ducha).
I enjoy taking long showers to refresh myself.
(Disfruto tomando largas duchas para refrescarme).
I use shower gel for a refreshing and invigorating experience.
(Uso gel de ducha para una experiencia refrescante e invigorante).
I adjust the showerhead to my desired height and water pressure.
(Ajusto el cabezal de ducha a la altura y presión de agua deseadas).
I wash my face and brush my teeth at the sink.
(Lavo mi cara y cepillo mis dientes en el lavabo).
I lather my hands with soap before washing them.
(Espumo mis manos con jabón antes de lavarlas).
I keep my soap in a soap dish on the countertop.
(Guardo mi jabón en un porta jabón en la encimera).
I use a sponge to wash my body in the shower.
(Uso una esponja para lavar mi cuerpo en la ducha).
I use a squeegee to wipe away water droplets from the shower doors.
(Uso una escobilla para limpie las gotas de agua de las puertas de la ducha).
I sit on a stool to shave my legs in the bathtub.
(Me siento en un taburete para afeitar mis piernas en la bañera).
I wrap myself in a soft towel after showering.
(Me envuelvo en una toalla suave después de ducharme).
Toothbrush (ˈtuːθbrʌʃ) - Cepillo de dientes:
"I always brush my teeth with my toothbrush before bed."
Toothpaste (ˈtuːθpeɪst) - Pasta de dientes:
"I put a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on my toothbrush every morning."
Trash can (træʃ kæn) - Basura:
"Please throw your garbage in the trash can before you leave the bathroom."
Tub (tʌb) - Bañera:
"I love taking a relaxing bath in the tub after a long day."
Tumbler (ˈtʌmblər) - Vaso:
"I drink my water from a tumbler in the bathroom."
Washcloth (ˈwɒʃklɒθ) - Paño de lavar:
"I use a washcloth to wash my face every morning."
Waste basket (ˈweɪstbæskɪt) - Cesto de basura:
"Please make sure to throw your used tissues in the waste basket."
Wastepaper basket (ˈweɪstpeɪpər bæskɪt) - Cesto de papel:
"The waste paper basket is where I throw my used napkins."
Water (ˈwɔːtər) - Agua:
"I always have a glass of water by my side while I am in the bathroom."
Window (ˈwɪndəʊ) - Ventana:
"I open the window in the bathroom for some fresh air after taking a shower."
"The Importance of a Comfortable Bathroom"
Read the following text and say whether the statements bellow are true or false:
A bathroom is not just a place for personal hygiene but it's also a place where one can relax and unwind. It's a room in the house that people use every day, sometimes multiple times a day, which makes it crucial to have a comfortable and functional bathroom. A bathroom should be designed to provide a soothing and peaceful atmosphere, allowing individuals to escape the stress of daily life and recharge.
There are several elements to consider when creating a comfortable bathroom. Lighting, for instance, is an essential aspect to get right. Natural light is preferred, but if this is not possible, then a combination of artificial lighting can provide a warm and inviting ambiance. The use of soft colors on the walls and flooring can create a calming effect and make the space feel larger.
Another important aspect is the layout of the bathroom. A functional and ergonomic design will ensure that all the necessary items, such as the toilet, shower, and sink, are within easy reach. The choice of fixtures and fittings also plays a significant role in creating a comfortable bathroom. High-quality taps, shower heads, and toilets not only look good but also improve the overall experience.
In conclusion, a comfortable bathroom is a place where one can relax and recharge after a long day. A well-designed and functional bathroom can provide a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Investing in a comfortable bathroom is an investment in your own well-being.
True or false?
All the staments are above are false.
Bathroom Vocabulary Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise:
Bathroom Vocabulary Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise 2:
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