1. Ankle (ˈæŋ.kəl) - Tobillo
  2. Arm (ɑːrm) - Brazo
  3. Backbone (ˈbæk.bəʊn) - Columna vertebral
  4. Blood (blʌd) - Sangre
  5. Bone (bəʊn) - Hueso
  6. Brain (breɪn) - Cerebro
  7. Chest (tʃest) - Pecho
  8. Ear (ɪər) - Oreja
  9. Elbow (ˈel.bəʊ) - Codo
  10. Eye (aɪ) - Ojo
  11. Face (feɪs) - Cara
  12. Finger (ˈfɪŋ.ɡər) - Dedo
  13. Foot (fʊt) - Pie
  14. Hair (heər) - Cabello
  15. Hand (hænd) - Mano
  16. Head (hed) - Cabeza
  17. Heart (hɑːrt) - Corazón
  18. Hip (hɪp) - Cadera
  19. Jaw (dʒɔː) - Mandíbula
  20. Knee (niː) - Rodilla
  21. Leg (leɡ) - Pierna
  22. Liver (ˈlɪv.ər) - Hígado
  23. Lungs (lʌŋz) - Pulmones
  24. Mouth (maʊθ) - Boca
  25. Muscle (ˈmʌs.əl) - Músculo
  26. Neck (nek) - Cuello
  27. Nerve (nɜːrv) - Nervio
  28. Nose (nəʊz) - Nariz
  29. Palm (pɑːm) - Palma
  30. Shoulder (ˈʃəʊl.dər) - Hombro
  31. Skin (skɪn) - Piel
  32. Spine (spaɪn) - Columna vertebral
  33. Stomach (ˈstʌm.ək) - Estómago
  34. Teeth (tiːθ) - Dientes
  35. Thigh (θaɪ) - Muslo
  36. Throat (θrəʊt) - Garganta
  37. Toe (təʊ) - Dedo del pie
  38. Tongue (tʌŋ) - Lengua
  39. Vein (veɪn) - Vena
  40. Wrist (rɪst) - Muñeca

partes de la cara en inglés


Human Body Gap-Filling Exercise

Fill in the missing words in the text below:

Hello students, today we are going to talk about the ! Our bodies are amazing machines that help us do everything we need to do every day. Let's start with the - our head has a brain inside which helps us think, see, hear and taste. Our face has our eyes, nose and mouth which are also very important.

Moving down to our and hands, these help us pick up and carry things, write and draw. The and feet help us move around and run, walk and jump. We also have a which holds us up straight and helps us move. The is what pumps blood all around our body and the help us breathe in air.

It's also important to take care of our bodies by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. Remember to always treat your body with and care. Thanks for listening and I hope you learned something new about your amazing body today!



Hello students, today we are going to talk about the human body! Our bodies are amazing machines that help us do everything we need to do every day. Let's start with the head - our head has a brain inside which helps us think, see, hear and taste. Our face has our eyes, nose and mouth which are also very important.

Moving down to our arms and hands, these help us pick up and carry things, write and draw. The legs and feet help us move around and run, walk and jump. We also have a backbone which holds us up straight and helps us move. The heart is what pumps blood all around our body and the lungs help us breathe in air.

It's also important to take care of our bodies by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. Remember to always treat your body with respect and care. Thanks for listening and I hope you learned something new about your amazing body today!