Descripción: Desastres naturales en inglés. En la siguiente sección te presentamos el vocabulario relacionado con desastres naturales en inglés. Tienes disponible la pronunciación.

  1. Avalanche (ævəˈlænʧ) - Avalancha
  2. Blizzard (ˈblɪzərd) - Ventisca
  3. Cyclone (ˈsaɪkloʊn) - Ciclón
  4. Drought (draʊt) - Sequía
  5. Earthquake (ˈɜrthˌkweɪk) - Terremoto
  6. Fire (ˈfaɪər) - Incendio
  7. Flood (flʌd) - Inundación
  8. Hurricane (ˈhʌrɪkən) - Huracán
  9. Landslide (ˈlændslaɪd) - Deslizamiento de tierra
  10. Lightning (ˈlaɪtnɪŋ) - Relámpago
  11. Mudslide (ˈmʌdslaɪd) - Deslizamiento de lodo
  12. Tornado (tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ) - Tornado
  13. Tsunami (suːˈnɑːmi, soʊˈnɑːmi) - Tsunami
  14. Volcano (vɑːlˈkoʊnoʊ) - Volcán
  15. Wildfire (ˈwaɪldfaɪər) - Incendio forestal
  16. Blizzard warning (ˈblɪzərd ˈwɔːrnɪŋ) - Advertencia de ventisca
  17. Coastal erosion (ˈkoʊstəl ɪˈroʊʒən) - Erosión costera
  18. Drought conditions (draʊt kənˈdɪʃənz) - Condiciones de sequía
  19. Flash flood (flæʃ flʌd) - Inundación repentina
  20. Heat wave (hit weɪv) - Ola de calor
  21. Landslide risk (ˈlændslaɪd rɪsk) - Riesgo de deslizamiento de tierra
  22. Natural disaster (ˈnætʃərəl dɪˈzæstər) - Desastre natural
  23. Snow storm (snəʊ stɔːrm) - Tormenta de nieve
  24. Thunderstorm (ˈθʌndərstɔːrm) - Tormenta eléctrica
  25. Tropical storm (ˈtrɒpɪkəl stɔːrm) - Tormenta tropical
  26. Tsunami alert (suːˈnɑːmi əˈlɜrt) - Alerta de tsunami
  27. Tsunami evacuation (suːˈnɑːmi ɪˈvækjʊˈeɪʃən) - Evacuación de tsunami
  28. Volcano eruption (vɑːlˈkoʊnoʊ ɪˈrʌpʃən) - Erupción volcánica
  29. Wildfire evacuation [waɪldfaɪər ɪvækjuːˈeɪʃən] - Evacuación por incendios forestales


The Devastating Flood


Read the following text and answer the questions bellow:


The streets were filled with water, houses were submerged, and people were frantically trying to save what was left of their belongings. The town had been hit by a severe flood, causing widespread damage and destruction.

The heavy rainfall had caused the river to overflow, and the water had spread into the town, making it difficult for people to move around. Emergency services were working hard to evacuate residents from their homes and transport them to safety.

Many people had lost everything, including their homes and possessions. The town was in chaos, and the streets were littered with debris and mud. People were feeling overwhelmed and helpless, but they were grateful for the help and support they were receiving from the emergency services and volunteers.

Despite the devastation, the town was starting to recover. The water was beginning to recede, and people were slowly returning to their homes. However, the damage was significant, and it would take time for the town to get back to normal.


1. What caused the town to be flooded?

2. What were the streets filled with during the flood?

3. Who was helping the residents during the flood?

4. How did the people feel during the flood?

5. How is the town recovering from the flood?





  1. The town was flooded due to heavy rainfall that caused the river to overflow.
  2. The streets were filled with water.
  3. The people felt overwhelmed and helpless during the flood.
  4. Emergency services and volunteers were helping the residents during the flood.
  5. The town is recovering from the flood by the water receding and people slowly returning to their homes.