1. Allergy (ælərdʒi) - Alergia
  2. Anesthesia (ænəsθiʒə) - Anestesia
  3. Antibiotic (æntibaɪɑtɪk) - Antibiótico
  4. Blood pressure (blʌd prɛʃər) - Presión arterial
  5. Cancer (kænsər) - Cáncer
  6. Cardiovascular (kɑrdioʊvæskjulər) - Cardiovascular
  7. Cholesterol (kəlɛstərɔl) - Colesterol
  8. Dental care (dɛntl kɛr) - Cuidado dental
  9. Diabetes (daɪəbitis) - Diabetes
  10. Digestion (daɪdʒɛstʃən) - Digestión
  11. Disease (dɪziz) - Enfermedad
  12. Exercise (ɛksərsaɪz) - Ejercicio
  13. Fatigue (fətiɡ) - Fatiga
  14. Fever (fivər) - Fiebre
  15. Flu (flu) - Gripe
  16. Headache (hɛdɛk) - Dolor de cabeza
  17. Heart attack (hɑrt ətæk) - Ataque al corazón
  18. Heart disease (hɑrt dɪziz) - Enfermedad del corazón
  19. Hospital (hɑspitəl) - Hospital
  20. Immune system (ɪmjʊn ˈsɪstəm) - Sistema inmunológico
  21. Infection (ɪnˈfɛkʃən) - Infección
  22. Injury (ˈɪndʒəri) - Lesión
  23. Insomnia (ɪnˈsɑmniə) - Insomnio
  24. Medication (mɛdɪˈkeɪʃən) - Medicamento
  25. Mental health (ˈmɛntl hɛlθ) - Salud mental
  26. Nutrition (njuˈtrɪʃən) - Nutrición
  27. Pain (peɪn) - Dolor
  28. Physical therapy (ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈθɛrəpi) - Fisioterapia
  29. Prescription (prɪˈskrɪpʃən) - Receta médica
  30. Radiology (ˌreɪdiˈɑlədʒi) - Radiología
  31. Recovery (rɪˈkʌvəri) - Recuperación
  32. Respiratory (rɪˈspɪrətɔri) - Respiratorio
  33. Sickness (ˈsɪknəs) - Enfermedad
  34. Stress (strɛs) - Estrés
  35. Surgery (ˈsɜrdʒəri) - Cirugía
  36. Symptom (ˈsɪmptəm) - Síntoma
  37. Treatment (ˈtritmənt) - Tratamiento
  38. Vaccine (ˈvæksin) - Vacuna
  39. Virus (ˈvaɪrəs) - Virus
  40. Wellness (ˈwɛlnəs) - Bienestar


Complete the following sentences choosing the appropriate word in brackets related to health:


  1. My ________ has been bothering me all day. (headache/sickness)
  2. Eating a balanced diet is important for good _________. (nutrition/antibiotic)
  3. When I get a _________, I usually take some medicine and rest. (fever/cancer)
  4. If you are feeling tired and run down, it might be a sign of ___________. (fatigue/wellness)
  5. Regular ___________ can help lower your risk of heart disease. (exercise/anesthesia)
  6. If you have a cut or wound, it's important to keep it clean to avoid ___________. (infection/insomnia)
  7. __________ is a serious condition that affects millions of people around the world. (Diabetes/hospital)
  8. After my surgery, I had to go to ___________ to recover. (physical therapy/radiology)
  9. Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining good ___________. (mental health/blood pressure)
  10. To help prevent the spread of the _________, it's important to wash your hands regularly. (virus/cancer)




  1. headache
  2. nutrition
  3. fever
  4. fatigue
  5. exercise
  6. infection
  7. Diabetes
  8. physical therapy
  9. mental health
  10. virus