kitchen - vocabulary


  1. Appetizer /ˈæp.ɪ.taɪ.zər/ - Aperitivo
  2. Baking /ˈbeɪ.kɪŋ/ - Horneado
  3. Blender /ˈblen.dər/ - Batidora
  4. Boil /bɔɪl/ - Hervir
  5. Broil /brɔɪl/ - Asar a la parrilla
  6. Chef /ʃef/ - Chef
  7. Cookbook /ˈkʊk.bʊk/ - Libro de cocina
  8. Cooker /ˈkʊk.ər/ - Cocinero
  9. Cooking /ˈkʊk.ɪŋ/ - Cocinar
  10. Crockpot /ˈkrɒk.pɒt/ - Olla de cocción lenta
  11. Cut /kʌt/ - Cortar
  12. Deep-fry /diːp fraɪ/ - Freír en aceite
  13. Dish /dɪʃ/ - Plato
  14. Frying pan /ˈfraɪ.ɪŋ pæn/ - Sartén
  15. Grate /ɡreɪt/ - Rallar
  16. Grill /ɡrɪl/ - Parrilla
  17. Ingredient /ɪnˈɡriː.di.ənt/ - Ingrediente
  18. Kettle /ˈket.əl/ - Hervidor
  19. Knife /naɪf/ - Cuchillo
  20. Ladle /ˈleɪ.dəl/ - Cucharón
  21. Microwave /ˈmaɪ.krə.weɪv/ - Microondas
  22. Mixing bowl /ˈmɪks.ɪŋ bəʊl/ - Tazón de mezcla
  23. Oven /ˈʌv.ən/ - Horno
  24. Pan /pæn/ - Sartén
  25. Peel /piːl/ - Pelar
  26. Pot /pɒt/ - Olla
  27. Recipe /ˈres.ə.pi/ - Receta
  28. Roast /rəʊst/ - Asar
  29. Roll /rəʊl/ - Enrollar
  30. Saute /ˈsoʊ.teɪ/ - Saltear
  31. Scale /skeɪl/ - Pesar
  32. Seasoning /ˈsiː.zən.ɪŋ/ - Sazonador
  33. Slice /slaɪs/ - Rebanada
  34. Spatula /ˈspæt.jʊ.lə/ - Espátula
  35. Spoon /spuːn/ - Cuchara
  36. Steam /stiːm/ - Cocer al vapor
  37. Stove /stəʊv/ - Estufa
  38. Whisk /wɪsk/ - Batidor
  39. Wooden spoon /ˈwʊd.ən spuːn/ - Cuchara de madera
  40. Zest /zest/ - Ralladura



Read the following text and answer the questions bellow:


As Sarah stood in the kitchen, she watched her mother busily preparing the spaghetti sauce. It had been a while since she had helped out in the kitchen, but she was excited to learn from her mother.

"Can you please pass me the wooden spoon, Sarah?" her mother asked.

Sarah quickly scanned the counter and handed her mother the spoon.

"Thanks, now can you also grab me the colander from the cupboard?" her mother asked.

As Sarah reached for the colander, her mother continued to give her instructions on how to properly boil the spaghetti and how much sauce to add.

As they worked together, Sarah began to appreciate the care and attention her mother put into her cooking. Her mother's years of experience in the kitchen were evident in the delicious aroma that filled the room.

After a few more minutes, the spaghetti was finally ready. Sarah's mother dished it out into bowls and they sat down to enjoy their meal together.

"Thanks for your help, Sarah," her mother said with a smile. "Maybe next time you can teach me something new."


  1. What were they making in the kitchen?
  2. Who was teaching Sarah how to cook?
  3. What did Sarah's mother ask her to pass her?
  4. Where did Sarah get the colander from?
  5. What did Sarah begin to appreciate about her mother's cooking?
  6. Did Sarah and her mother enjoy their meal?
  7. Who said, "Maybe next time you can teach me something new"?
  8. What was the delicious aroma that filled the room?
  9. How did Sarah feel about learning from her mother?
  10. How long had it been since Sarah helped out in the kitchen?




Answer: spaghetti

Answer: her mother

Answer: the wooden spoon

Answer: the cupboard

Answer: the care and attention her mother put into it

Answer: Yes

Answer: Sarah's mother

Answer: the spaghetti sauce

Answer: excited

Answer: It is not specified in the text.